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Classes, Courses & Events

Meditation & Well-Being

Classes are held every Monday. These classes are aimed at helping you connect to your own true self, to connect to the Higher Power of Life and to follow the inspiration of your soul.

Mediumship/Psychic Development Classes

Ongoing weekly classes to develop your Connection to the Spirit Realm. Learn how to communicate with your loved ones, Guides, Angels and Ascended Masters to receive their guidance and messages to live in truth of your Divine Self, receive insight in any area of your life, and use this gift to pass on their messages to others.

Drawing by Christine.

Reiki Trainings


Reiki is a natural healing  art where universal life energy is channelled through the hands. It is a gentle but powerful healing method which addresses mind, body, emotions and spirit. This is a gift which is available to all who choose to follow this path.

Certified Trainings in Reiki Level I, II and Masters are held on a regular basis.

Contact Christine for details.


What's On? Upcoming Events


NEW: Yoga Classes beginning Tuesday November 12th 10:30am with Trish.

Class size limited so call Christine for details: (03) 59 774466



Lecture & Demonstration of Mediumship


Sunday November 17th Mornington Spiritualist Church,

Currawong Community Centre,

Currawong Street, Mornington.

Healing at 2:30pm, Service at 3 pm.




May the light of love, peace and harmony be with you always.


Begin it Now! Just for today:


Let no one thing disturb thee.


Let go of attachments, and


Just be you!


Life is a gift to be treasured.

          Live it your way.






© 2013 by Phsyic Connections.

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